Literal 0.8.3

Literal enhances HTML <template> with JS literal expressions and a DOM-first live data-binding renderer.

Quick start

<template is="literal-html">

A literal-html template is replaced in the DOM with its own rendered content. HTML <template>s are allowed pretty much anywhere in a document, so literal-html templates enable you to freely mix islands of dynamically rendered content into your HTML.

Import literal-html/module.js to start rendering literal-html templates:

<script type="module" src="./build/literal-html/module.js"></script>

Every Literal template has a data object. In this example the default export of clock.js is imported as data and its time property rendered:

<template is="literal-html" src="./build/data/clock.js">
    <p>${ data.time.toFixed(0) } seconds since page load.</p>

When no data is explicitly imported Literal renders the template with an empty data object. In this example data is not used, and the template renders a stream of pointer events:

<template is="literal-html">
    <p>${ events('pointermove', body).map((e) => round(e.pageX)) }px</p>

Templates can include() other templates. Here, data is imported from a JSON file and an array of tasks is mapped to a collection of <li>s:

<template id="li-template">
    <li>${ data.text }</li>

<template is="literal-html" src="./data/todo.json">
    <ul>${'#li-template')) }</ul>

<template is="literal-element">

A literal-element template declares a custom element and defines its shadow DOM, allowing you to author custom elements entirely within HTML.

Import literal-element/module.js to start rendering literal-element elements:

<script type="module" src="./build/literal-element/module.js"></script>

Here’s a declaration of a bare-bones ‘<my-toggle>‘ element. It is recommended to put these in the <head>, but you don’t have to.

<template is="literal-element" tag="my-toggle" attributes="active:boolean">
    <button type="button">
        <!-- Render button text -->
        ${ ? 'Hide' : 'Show' } slotted content
        <!-- Listen to events on the button -->
        ${ events('click', element).each(() => = ! }
    <slot hidden="${ ! }"></slot>

The custom element can now be authored as:

    <p>This paragraph is shown when my-toggle is active.</p>

This paragraph is shown when my-toggle is active.

Built by Stephen Band for Cruncher.

Documentation set in Euclid and Martian Mono. Fonts used for documentation not included as part of the license covering the use of Literal.